Fit Pregnancy Tips

As a pregnant mother, you want your unborn baby to have the best chance for proper development. This is why staying fit and taking care of your health is so important. If you exercise regularly, watch what you eat and drink plenty of water, having a fit pregnancy is not hard to do.

Eliminate Processed Foods and Sugar

Staying away from processed foods can help you stay healthy throughout pregnancy. Processed foods contain dangerous trans-fats and chemical additives that can ruin both you and your unborn babys health.

Examples of processed foods include frozen meals, canned veggies, canned meat, frozen pizza, instant rice, hotdogs, lunch meats, pasta and bread. The trans-fats used in processed foods are made by mixing liquid vegetable oil with hydrogen. This process changes the molecular structure of the oil and turns it into a solid.

Trans-fats are commonly found in baked goods and fried foods. Restaurants love to use these fats to prepare food because they are inexpensive and can be reheated repeatedly without breaking down. Trans-fats are dangerous because they contribute to heart disease and strokes.

Chemicals are used in processed foods to inhibit mold growth, prevent bacteria, preserve, add texture, improve taste and add color. Manufacturers are well aware that some of the chemical additives used in these foods have cancer causing properties.

When you eat processed foods during pregnancy, the chemicals can cross the placenta and cause developmental problems in your fetus. To prevent this from happening, replace all of the processed foods in your diet with natural foods such as seafood, lean meat, organic eggs, fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and raw nuts.

Sugar is a no-no when you are pregnant. This additive can contribute to weight gain and gestational diabetes. If you get gestational diabetes, it increases your risk of complications during birth. Sugar can also cause yeast infections, weakened vision, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water helps you maintain adequate amniotic fluid levels. If your fluid levels are not sufficient, you fetus will rest against your uterus instead of floating like shes supposed to. This can increase your babys risk of arm, feet and leg deformities.

Dehydration also decreases blood volume and increases the level of oxytocin in the body. This can raise your risk of pre-term labor. Signs of dehydration include:

being thirsty
dark yellow urine
reduced need to urinate
urine with a strong odor
chapped lips
dry mouth and nose
nausea and vomiting
skin with no elasticity

To prevent dehydration, sip on water throughout the day. Each day try to drink half of your bodyweight in pounds, in ounces of water. (If you weigh 160 pounds, drink 80 ounces.)

Exercise Regularly

Getting enough exercise is important for pregnant mother because it reduces stress, prepares your body for childbirth and energizes you. Regular exercise also controls weight gain and helps to manage common pregnancy discomforts.

The safest exercises to do during pregnancy include stationary biking, elliptical machines, swimming, walking and low impact aerobics. To stay safe during your exercise sessions, follow these tips:

Take regular breaks.
Dont exercise when its too hot or too cold.
Drink water during your workout to stay hydrated.
Wear comfortable workout shoes.
Dont participate in contact sports.
Dont do exercises that require you to lie flat on your back.
Avoid waist-twisting movements when you workout.
Never hold your breath during exercise.
Dont lift heavy weights.

No matter how healthy your pregnancy is, consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Exercise is not appropriate for women who have low placenta, bleeding, weak cervix or a history of preterm labor or miscarriages.

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